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Bre Socker


How did I get here? I was a record-breaking two-time All-American field hockey player in college who fell in love with off-season training. I knew I would struggle after graduation without sports in my life, as I felt like being an athlete was a core part of who I was. I needed something to fuel my competitive drive without field hockey, and since I loved off-season training just as much as being in season, the gym seemed like the perfect match. I just needed to flip my mindset from "me vs. them" to "me vs. me." Little did I know, the gym would help me through more than just life without sports. People, experiences, and things all come and go in life, but the gym will ALWAYS be there. It is as consistent in your life as you allow it to be—the choice is yours. Choose to invest in you.

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Bre Socker